People make strenuous effort to group themselves with people who are basically like them. Most of the neighborhoods are segregated with people who have the same ethnicity, culture and socio-economic status. People from those suburbs make sure someone who is different from them does not join in their neighborhood. There a clear geographic segregation in this country. In someplace dominated by certain ethnic group. In my neighborhood it almost impossible to find someone who is Hispanic or white. I always question myself where are the other ethnic groups. It is common to see such kind of geographic segregating in this …show more content…
I have been watching the political rhetoric which was going on by the Republican party nominee. He consistently demeanor people who are immigrant and who has a different faith. For my surprise many Americans support his political agenda. It clearly shows that a significant number of Americans have little passionate and tolerant to someone who does not speak the way as they do, and someone who worship different God. Generally speaking,” it’s appalling that people should be content to cut themselves off from everyone unlike themselves.” It is easy to witness to witness how much hatred conservative Christians have toward people who are LGBT community. It shows how much people are less comfortable with someone who have different value than