Which in truth, can only be achieved by witnessing this person; seeing them through their struggle and understanding who they are on a concrete extent. Inspiration, however, or the process of inspiring occurs on a concrete and abstract level. Dorothy Vaughan could inspire however, she was incapable of influencing anyone due to her work being used and intentionally not admired under her name. She was an intriguingly different thought in an abstract universe. The simple idea that she wasn’t publicly viewed removed the possibility of her influencing anyone.Mother’s who are at home influence, people who are around others influence. In any manner if Dorothy Vaughan influenced anyone it would be the women and men she worked with on a daily bases. It would be the women she stood next to, and her children :Ann,Maida,Leonard, and Kenneth. The stories that were published into Hidden Figures allowed people all over the world to be reinspired under truth and under the names that rightfully belonged.
A prime example of the difference between Dorothy Vaughan influencing and inspiring is just as Former President Barack Obama. He has inspired a nation of African Americans in general and influenced children who have known him as the only