Carter’s election came after the tumultuous times of Nixon and the quiet years of Ford. Carter was a human rights activist. He lowered or even canceled aid to countries that abused human rights. Carter’s biggest achievement was the signing of the Camp David Accords. After multiple years of conflict between Israel and Egypt, Carter invited the two leaders to Camp David where they reached a conclusion and peace arrived. Despite the positive, Carter’s legacy was tainted by the Iran hostage crisis. Over fifty Americans were held in Iran as hostage for the old Shah, who was kicked by a revolution, was receiving treatment of cancer in the United States. Iranians were livid that the United Stated refused to turn the Shah over to Iran. Carter failed to resolve the crisis and it directly led to his loss in the next election. Despite his failures in the Iran Hostage Crisis, Carter passed important legislation domestically. Carter established the Department of Education. Other than that, Carter deregulated certain industries such as the airline industry. However, the economy was still bad. Towards the end of carter’s tenure, inflation rates were double digits. The gasoline crisis occurred during the end of the 1970’s. Carter was a calm president who had ups and downs, but he still maintained a strong global
Carter’s election came after the tumultuous times of Nixon and the quiet years of Ford. Carter was a human rights activist. He lowered or even canceled aid to countries that abused human rights. Carter’s biggest achievement was the signing of the Camp David Accords. After multiple years of conflict between Israel and Egypt, Carter invited the two leaders to Camp David where they reached a conclusion and peace arrived. Despite the positive, Carter’s legacy was tainted by the Iran hostage crisis. Over fifty Americans were held in Iran as hostage for the old Shah, who was kicked by a revolution, was receiving treatment of cancer in the United States. Iranians were livid that the United Stated refused to turn the Shah over to Iran. Carter failed to resolve the crisis and it directly led to his loss in the next election. Despite his failures in the Iran Hostage Crisis, Carter passed important legislation domestically. Carter established the Department of Education. Other than that, Carter deregulated certain industries such as the airline industry. However, the economy was still bad. Towards the end of carter’s tenure, inflation rates were double digits. The gasoline crisis occurred during the end of the 1970’s. Carter was a calm president who had ups and downs, but he still maintained a strong global