In the film American Graffiti, George Lucas sets out to make a nostalgic film, which would play into his own life, and what was on everyone else’s mind at that time in society (Dewitt 47-50). Which was the use of the classic custom cars of the time the use of the 56 T-bird, 32 …show more content…
We all have friends we grew up with, spending most of our time with them, from before we can remember. Culturally this is evident in all societies. Lucas use of this in the film shows the viewer something of the past and maybe even touching out hearts a bit, helping us remember someone we have not thought of for years. Cruising the strip on Friday and Saturday night with our friends trying to meet new friends, or what is happing, it truly something we all remember. The truly unique aspect of film was the way Lucas has filmed American Graffiti. He filmed this in a 24-hour period so there were many camera going the whole time it was filming so the actors had to stay in character the entire shoot. Thus, the actors just play things out as if they were true friends out on a Friday night (Lewis 320). The result is truly amazing, what we see in the final cut is a work of art that only Lucas could see during