How would you feel about jumping off a 50 feet cliff? Scared? Brave? Excited? Vinny and Joe-Boy are both characters from a story called “The Ravine”. They are best friends who live in Hawaii and go to a place where a boy named Butchi died 2 weeks and one day before they arrived.The main characters, VInny and Joe-Boy, are similar in many ways, but are different in other ways.…
Who was the one to cause the predicaments that the Greasers had to go through?The Outsiders is not a true story, but makes the reader feel like it was real. The main character, Ponyboy, is part of a gang named the Greasers. Conflicts sparked between the Greasers and their enemies, the Socs or Socials. Ponyboy, Darry, Dally, Sodapop, Two-bit and Johnny went through obstacles and problems caused by the Socs. Throughout the book, The Outsiders, there were many problems and conflicts that the Greasers had to go through because of the Soc’s imprudent decisions.…
In the story One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey, the protagonist Randall Patrick McMurphy faked his insanity so he could go to a mental hospital instead of facing the crimes he committed. He goes in with his mind set on his goal without a care for anyone else, at least, that’s how it was in the beginning.…
Have you ever wondered what some of the problems a young Indigenous man faces? During this book, The Outside Circle Pete (a troubled young Indigenous man) faces many defining moments (LaBoucane-Benson, The Outside Circle). Pete gets his girlfriend pregnant, His younger brother Joey gets beat up, and Pete becomes an Elder (LaBoucane-Benson, The Outside Circle). Pete changes in a very positive way from all that has happened throughout the novel.…
The plot of the show focuses on the social evils that challenge the collective development of society, aiming to desist young minds from venturing into crime for the purpose of obtaining wealth quickly. It also advises the rising users of roads and their families to exercise maximum caution while in their new cars, which may cut short their lives within seconds. This show aims to curb the escalating incidences of road accidents, especially involving new cars, which the owners might manhandle. The explicit meaning addresses the demographic ranging from youthful adults to middle-aged viewers, cutting across both genders. This is implied by the majority of the characters, who are aged roughly along these lines.…
Tomorrow night on A&E fans of Duck Dynasty will get to see a new show called Jep & Jessica: Growing the Dynasty. This show is all about this couple's journey to adopt a child and viewers can't be more excited to see it. The thing is nobody wants to wait on the show to get the details and you can find out now about the new baby that Jep and Jessica Robertson have added to their family. Country Rebel shared the details of the new baby boy that Jep and Jessica have brought into their home.…
"Fuller house" is a spin off series of the show "Full House". In the first episode time is fast forwarded 29 years into the future with all of the family reunited under the same roof once again. Jeff Franklin shows that his characters conforms to gender stereotypes by using great character development, wittiness, and visual effects. Candace Cameron- Bure, who plays as D.J Tanner, just lost her husband who was a fire fighter and "died doing what he loved". Like her father in the first series, "Full House", Tanner is now a widowed women who is now parenting 3 of her children alone.…
WARNING SPOILER ALERT. The Narrator in “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk lives a single serving life filled with insomnia causing him to have multiple issues with his identity. He is a man having a mid-life crises as life became reparative and the need to search for excitement, danger, and something different becomes apparent. Whether it is feeling other people’s pain in a support groups as a way to find his released from the boring life or creating Tyler as the perfect vision of himself, his personality dramatically evolves. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) can be linked to the changes happening as it forms the “two faces” the narrator wears in the story. Insomnia is what drove the Narrator towards the support groups to find what he needed…
Rising to the top of Netflix in 2009, Breaking Bad, produced by Vince Gilligan, engages its viewers with spine-chilling excitement throughout the dark metamorphosis of Dr. Walter H. White. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Walter is an overqualified high school chemistry teacher with a PhD in chemistry. In the first episode of Breaking Bad, Walter defines chemistry as a change in “growth, decay, then transformation” in front of students that are uninterested to learn in the chemistry department. In episode one of Breaking Bad, Walt discovers that he has stage II lung cancer that is inoperable. Secondly, the doctors have given him a prognosis of two years before his illness takes him away from a son who has cerebral palsy and a wife who is pregnant…
Mr. Lederer and Mr. Burdick wrote the Ugly American many decades ago and it is a story that holds many truths of how we act and operate in today’s society. This fictional work displayed characters that truly understood many of the Special Operation Forces (SOF) imperatives. Louis Krupitzyn, John Colvin and Major Wolchek represented the SOF imperatives of understanding the operational environment, anticipating and controlling psychological effects, operating with and through others, considering the long term effects, facilitating interagency activities, and engaging the threat discriminately. I will combine my own experiences and those of these three characters in The Ugly American. I will demonstrate how the SOF imperatives influenced their behavior and how I approached situations during my time in Special Forces.…
A new society that was created by science and technology. The novel, Brave New World, was written by Aldous Huxley. This science fiction novel was published by the publishing company HarperCollins in New York, New York. The original copyright date was in the year of 1932, but was then later copyrighted in the year of 1946 by the author Aldous Huxley. John is the main character, but he is also the antagonist in this novel. He has many qualities that makes him important. He also has people that motivate him to behave and act certain ways. However, John also creates many conflicts with other people in this dystopian society.…
Unlike the other two novels the class has dealt with, Where Eagles Dare by Alistair MacLean is focused on entertainment instead of realism. The book All Quiet on the Western Front show the authors’ opinions of war to be serious and deadly. He says that there is no such thing as a hero in war, and that it is impossible to win a war with a single person. But MacLean expresses the war as a mission which provides excitement. He also makes Major John Smith,the main character of the novel, as a hero defeating Nazis singlehandedly. Lastly, by having Smith succeeding and surviving the mission, MacLean shows a significant difference between novels regarding death and glory.…
Many teenagers go through lots of different relationships and sometimes they get lost during their routes to become an adult. They find it hard to realize what the right thing is and what is being the right way. In the episode My So Called Life, the main character, Angela Chase, goes through many relationships. Angela was a student who did well, and pleased her family and friends around her. However, a change happens, when she meets Rayanne, a new friend, and she starts to act differently. She tries out many things, such as ditching class, dying her hair red or going out on school nights, which she never would have done before and develops a new personality (a bad one). Throughout the story, we see a variety of character traits from Angela. Although Angela is always herself, she hasn’t yet found her true self, her personality that is hiding inside her, and developing her relationships with others.…
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the main character Ponyboy undergoes several changes over the course of the story. At the beginning of the story Ponyboy has a very negative view of the rival gang the Socs. However by the end of the novel he comes to the realization that the gang he belongs to, the Greasers, is not much different than the Socs.…
The song 'American Idiot' by Green Day can be known as a very political and social piece of music. All in all the lyrics describe how America is today and how media controls everything. The title, 'American Idiot', refers to what some Americans can be known as, while they follow what mainstream media is saying. From what I have read, I know that Green Day decided to write this song when they realized how much media controls the people of America. It is said that Green Day feels as if the media has controlled America and it's citizens to every last footstep they take.…