He starts learning about the way Tyler thinks and begins to admire him for how much “truth” and “Wisdom” he spouts out. Without Tyler then there wouldn’t be a fight club and without fight club then the Narrator wouldn’t have stated:
I felt finally I could get my hands on everything in the world that didn’t work, my cleaning that came back with the collar buttons broken, the bank that says I’m hundreds of dollars overdrawn. My job where my boss got on my computer and fiddled with my DOS execute commands. And Marla Singer, who stole support groups from me. …show more content…
The narrator was becoming overwhelmed with how big Tyler was trying to go with his new project, also realizing that he was becoming less needed by him, he was dumped. In his search for Tyler he had a chance to make a wish and it was “My wish right now is for me to die. I am nothing in the world compared to Tyler” (Palahniuk146). He thought why live when Tyler is what the world needed, not him. Himself becoming less and less while Tyler becomes bigger and bigger. Around the time the Narrator figures out that Tyler was really the alter personality he had created as he