Fight Club is a 1999 film directed by David Fincher, the nameless narrator, is a young professional working in the corporate world, searching for meaning in his life through IKEA furniture sets and rampant consumerism. He suffers from insomnia and in seeking a solution the narrator becomes addicted to attending support groups and playing as the victim. He has discovered that this serves as an emotional release from his dull, meaningless life. The emotional confessions of the participants give him a sense of being alive, which then allows him to sleep again. While he enjoys good health, he is closer to death than the people he communes with on a nightly basis. They face physical mortality at any moment. He faces spiritual mortality every …show more content…
Brash, self-confident and dressed like a pimp, Tyler describes himself as a soap salesman but he gives every indication of leading a darker existence. Tyler Durden’s clothing is usually red throughout the movie, which symbolizes fire, blood, rage, passion, etc. The Narrator finds himself drawn to Tyler Durden and in the end of their short trip together they exchange their business cards and are on their separate ways. When the Narrator arrives back at his apartment building, he finds his apartment on fire. His precious Ikea furniture and all his belongings have been destroyed in a mysterious explosion. With no one to call, he turns to Tyler and the two immediately bond. During some pitchers of beer at a bar Tyler identifies the cause for the Narrator's desperation. Tyler explains the Narrator is a victim of a feminized consumer culture. Tyler's therapy is simple, he helps the Narrator correct the imbalance in his own life by making him feel like a real man by fighting, actually beating each other up. On their first fight in a parking lot between the narrator and Tyler starts a ritual between the two, in which they discover there are many other men like them. Tyler Durden and the Narrator begin an underground fight club where regular, ordinary men meet to ruthlessly fight one another, releasing aggression and resisting traditional social norms with their