Keeping Up with the Kardashians is a reality television show that has aired on E! for the past seven years. It has filmed eight seasons focusing on the lives of the Kardashian and Jenner families. The reality show focuses on both the private and professional lives of the Kardashian sisters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe, with additional emphasis on their brother Robert, mother Kris, stepfather Bruce (Robert Kardashian passed away before the show aired and Kris got remarried to Bruce), and half siblings Kendall and Kylie. As the seasons progressed their boyfriends, friends, and coworkers all became a big part of the show. This included people such as Kourtney’s boyfriend Scott Disick, her two kids Mason and Penelope, Khloe’s husband Lamar Odom, Kim’s best friend Jonathan and Bruce’s other kids Brandon and Brody. Although well known for many arbitrary reasons, their show is focused on the success and numerous businesses of the family, along with all the drama that comes with being famous. In the beginning the Kardashian sisters owned a boutique in California called D-A-S-H, and now have progressed into multi-million dollar celebrities. Their whole family has become very successful in both the business and fashion worlds, from owning restaurants, being models, and having their own talk shows, to being designers and having their own various fashion lines, they have done it all. Often criticized for being “famous for being famous” they are repeatedly questioned if they would be this successful without their money and fame for no particularly gifted reason. Through all the drama and catfights, the show tries to make the main focus that they are a family that truly loves each other and will always have each other’s backs. In this particular episode Kim is about to have her baby with Kanye West, so her mom, Kris, offers for them to live in her house so Kim and the baby can be taken care of. Kendall and Kylie aren’t fans of this idea because they feel they will never be able to…