Appendix A
American Imperialism
Part 1
Complete the chart by identifying the following:
Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914.
Discuss why each area was important to American empire building—political, economic, and social.
Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some factors that justified American imperialist actions?
Identify the current political status of these places in relation to the United States.
Age of Imperialism: 1870 to 1914
Why was there interest?
U.S. actions
Status today
The U.S. government wanted the British out of North America.
The United States purchased the Alaska territory from Russia.
Alaska is a state.
To expand the United States
The United States was given the right to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor and signed an agreement with Hawaii
Pearl Harbor in control
Latin America
The resources are abundant and the United States intended to establish businesses in Columbia, Dominican Republic and Mexico
The United States settled all of the debt incurred by Latin America
Wanted to acquire the Pago Harbor
Part 2
Answer each of the following prompts with a response of at least 200 to 300 words:
Trace the path of American imperialism during the period from about 1870 to 1914 through political, military, and economic events. Why was the United States interested in expansion in these areas? Why was America building a global empire?
What were the benefits of America’s imperialistic actions for the people in these countries or areas? What were the disadvantages? How would you describe their experiences in terms of being conquered, assimilated, or marginalized?
America took over several countries/areas. The people that reside in these places would benefit in the sense that better changes were to be coming their way. The United States only