
American Imperialism In The 19th Century

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American Imperialism In The 19th Century
During the 19th century Americans utilized imperialism to gain power over foreign countries leading America to expand out ward and gain economic growth. The newcomers to the foreign land took advantage of their resources in order to gain power in comparison to other countries and with power soon arose economic problems.
The frontier of the newly founded America was soiled with bodies of those whom intention were just as everyone else, to expand westward for hopes of expansion and development of the newly foreign free land, “Isolated bodies of settlement from the westward movement, (Turner, 2). America soon became an empire, which raised questions from the people. America soon also became an empire, which had its pro’s, and its con’s towards
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America expanded in many ways such as becoming an industrialized society and the U.S was very optimistic at the time they told the people promises as the U.S empire rose. Communication and media started to expand as well. As Media was beginning to rise news would be spread faster used in a form to convince people to start working in this modern industrialized society, they were trying to sell you what they wanted you to believe even though they would be used as human machines. That’s when farmers left the farms and started moving into the city where they would be in search of better job opportunities. Which also cause a 4 million dollar decrease (Cochran Lecture 09/08/16). Working in plants would cause more products to be produced faster than usual, which would cause economic growth, and more products to be available to the people of the U.S. The people saw it as an individualistic opportunity to gain wealth. On the other had there was also those whom lived in the slums of New York, packed like sardines in can the streets were littered with people who did not want to be home because of the tight space there was it was as if that community was forgotten. With all benefits with the new land also came problems, which were racism, the melting pot that had become of the U.S. Some races believed they had more power over other races, which caused segregation, “Whites would see other color typically un-human,” (Cochran Lecture

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