On January 22, 2001 George F. Will wrote a political article for News weekly called, “Let Us…? No, Give It A Rest.” In this article Will discusses the history of the Inaugural address and how they reflect the changes our country has made throughout the many years and presidential parties. He identifies numerous differences or changes in the sentence structure and the number of words used, topics discussed, and even the tone that is used by the President’s. He points out first the 43rd president, George W. Bush. The second sentence of his inaugural speech contained 87 words.…
Firstly President Obama explained in his State of the Union Address that we, as a country, must make strides "on behalf of the many, not the few" by "putting the nation's interest before party." I understand the tone beneath it all, but the "few" he speaks of are government officials and the rich. I understand working for the greater good. I understand Democracy, but I don't agree with casting off the other few being the poor. I think Obama needs to change up the way he words such things like this. In a time when distrust of our politicians is at a high and stupid decisions being made in congress; this was not the right time to make such a statement. Obama won the election because of the lower class not because of that higher ups. Compared to his earlier speeches this is something that he hasn't really spoken about as much or I didn't really pick up on it.…
“It’s the idea held by generations of citizens who believed that America is a constant work in progress” By saying this Obama is trying to draw upon the patriotism inside the American people to remind them that what happened at the Selma is what makes America such a great country. This reminds American that America is a country that is always evolving for the better or for the worst; moreover, these changes are made by the American who strive for an America they desire. Throughout his speech Obama says what happened at Selma is an example of such evolution caused by American thriving towards a more ideal nation. ‘“We the people… in order to form a more perfect union.” “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”’ Obama states the United State Constitution which American find one of their best piece of work along with the Declaration of Independence. Obama uses the Constitution to show the patriotism of the American people who were participating at the event because in the Constitution it states that all men are created equal, but back then mens of color were not being treated the same way as white men’s. So, they used the rights that they were given as Americans and they fought for what they believed is right. This is a core a principle of the American…
On the day the United States president-elect gets sworn into office, he/she has to give an inaugural address. The inaugural address is the first thing that the president does after taking the oath and is also one of the last steps of the transition process. This speech is important because the president can discuss the current issues occurring in the nation at the time and summarize the plans they have to fix the nation’s problems in the future. Every four years, the new president delivers an address that is similar, yet different to previous presidents. Each of the presidents has their own unique style of writing while also borrowing certain styles from inaugural speeches prior to their own. Ever since George Washington gave the first inaugural…
On January 20, 2017, a new man was brought into office, Donald J. Trump, whose influence and power will lead our nation for the next four to eight years. Donald Trump obviously has a different style than our past president, Barack Obama, speech wise. However, Mr. Trump’s use of rhetorical strategies in his inauguration speech lead many to be in awe due to his nationalistic diction and his flowing syntax.…
On Tuesday January 20th 2009 in Washington D.C., our 44th president Barack Obama stood before a record breaking crowd of Americans to deliver his inauguration speech which marked the commencement of his four year term. Being the first African American president, the journey that Barack Obama embarked on was difficult but he worked hard to win over voters with his many speeches that promised “Change”; the slogan of his campaign. As president Obama presented his inaugural speech, Americans all over the country witnessed a highly anticipated and great moment in history. In hopes of reassuring his supporters and promising those people with doubts President Obama said, “Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real, they are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this America: They will be met.” With that said it has been almost two years since we elected this democratic candidate to run our country and within his time of being president we have already took notice to a great amount of progress. Though not all issues have been completely solved president…
Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. In his 2012 “State of the Union Address,” Obama announces a clearly defined for government to take conveys in repairing an economy that works for all Americans and to renew the engagement of many united politics that performed him to the White House in 2008. Many of the particular measured he requested are liable to resound with the community, it remains to be apprised whether he can convince the plurality of Americans to set nearby their decay distrust of government and offer him decree to follow an active rule.…
The 44th president of the United States gave out a speech to the potential voters in the 2008 election. He spoke about equality, relations in the USA, and also responded to Reverend's comments. Reverend's comments appeared as racist and anti-American. It was urgent for the Reverend to save his reputation and campaign. Obama’s main purpose was to get the audience (potential voters) to be a part of a “more perfect union.”…
Firstly, President Obama uses an ethical appeal known as ethos. An ethical appeal establishes a speaker or the writer’s credibility. He states that “I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather…and a white grandmother. I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slave owners…I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents”. I agree with what President Obama has shared about how race has an impact on his life. I think he establishes himself as a man of many races who can relate to almost every race in America. By doing so he shows how he is the perfect man for the job to deal with the concerning issues on racism in America.…
President Obama made his State of the Union Address with many proposals that will increase the way to a better America. He could not have picked better subjects for his address. His actions included strengthen the middle class, including calls to raise the minimum wage, improvement of immigration, and education. Obama went on to say that, “the idea that if you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead, no matter where you come from, what you look like, or who you love. It is our unfinished task to make sure that this government works on behalf of the many, and not just the few; that it encourages free enterprise, rewards individual initiative, and opens the doors of opportunity to every child across this great nation.”…
The constitution sets out formal powers of the President in article II. These include chief administrator, commander-in-chief, chief lawmaker and head of state. However, there has been a growth of informal powers that include chief legislator, party leader, world leader and chief diplomat. It is with these informal powers that President is able to have more freedom with exercising and asserting their power. Following this is Neustadt’s theory of “persuader in chief”. This can be expressed through the State of Union address. On the 25th January 2011, Barack Obama gave his state of the union address focusing on his views on the issues in…
In his first term, the president passed the landmark Affordable Care Act, helping to put quality healthcare within reach for more Americans. He ended the war in Iraq and is working to end the war in Afghanistan, passed the historic Wall Street reform to make sure taxpayers never had to bail out big banks, and cut taxes for every American worker. The President believes an economy that 's built to last starts with a strong and growing middle class that’s why he has a plan to create jobs and restore economic security to working families. He’s been driven by the basic values that make our country great. ("About Barack Obama."Organizing for Action. N.p., n.d. Web. Mar. 2014) In…
Obama has a gift at writing and the deliverance to his speeches to the crowd. But sometimes he can lose or bore people because his intelligence confuses people. Sometimes he uses words people never heard of because a limited education. But it’s not his fault he doesn’t try to flaunt his intelligence that’s just the person he is an intelligent black man. But no matter Black, White, Asian, Dominican, Hispanic, Mexican, African, or whatever he speaks for us the people. Whether you have master degrees or a GED he represents all of us. In a particular speak he says “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.” Obama wants the best for everyone he wants to see everyone be successful.…
He states in his speech, “We believe that our citizens should be able to live free from fear. So, like generations before us, we stand united in the defense of our countries and against those who would terrorize our people, or endanger the globe with the world's most dangerous weapons.” President Obama expounds on Roosevelt’s thoughts and refreshes the minds of American citizens about the importance of living free from fear. We wanted freedom from fear years ago, and we still want it today. In his speech, Obama focused more on terrorism than the actual need for freedom. He was simply reminding the peoples of America how privileged we are and how much we need to keep this…
For 2013 address, the president stated his plans starting with reducing the U.S deficit and debt. However, he emphasizes that the reduction of deficit alone is not an economic plan. Therefore, the president recommended that it will be made by getting rid of tax loopholes and deductions for the well-off and well-connected. Also, it will be done through cutting the same amount from Medicare as suggested in the Simpson-Bowles Report. Second, the president stated that our priority is making America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing. He asked the congress to help create fifteen new public-private partnerships for manufacturing innovation and technology. President Obama also guaranteed that the next revolution in manufacturing will be made in America. Third, the president proposes for alternative energy. He suggested that we should use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an Energy Security Trust that will drive new research and technology to shift our cars and trucks off oil for good. Also, the president will keep on speeding up new oil and gas permits. Fourth, President Obama talked about the immigration reform. He proposed putting more boots on the southern border than at any time in our history, and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years which has something to do with stronger boarder security, and background check. Fifth proposal was about education, regarding the availability of school in every child in America.…