Historically, individuals with disabilities have been denied the opportunity to compete on an equal basis and pursue employment opportunities in society due to being characterized as weak, pitiful, dependent, and limited (Mayerson, 1992). The continuing existence of unfair and unnecessary discrimination and prejudice contributed to a hostile and unadaptive society. People with disabilities endured a long history of the concept of “out of sight, out of mind”, and soon began to challenge societal barriers that excluded them not only from participating within the workplace, but from within their whole community environment. To alleviate this problem, the American’s with Disabilities …show more content…
Enactment of Section 504 evidenced Congress’ recognition that the inferior social and economic status of people with disabilities was not a consequence of the disability itself, but instead was a result of societal barriers and prejudices. Because of this, the process culture and diversity among people with disabilities was embraced throughout the formulation of the American’s with Disabilities Act. As with racial minorities and women, Congress recognized that legislation was necessary to eradicate discriminatory policies and practices as well. Participants were aware of the dynamics, risks, and potential conflicts when different cultural intersect, but felt that not embracing different cultures and disabilities would actually result in the …show more content…
Retrieved from website: http://www.dredf.org/publications/ada_history.shtmlO’Connor, Mary Katherine & Netting, F. Ellen. (2011). Analyzing social policy: multiple perspectives for critically understanding and evaluating policy. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ
Percy, S. (2001). Challenges and dilemmas in implementing the americans with disabilities act.
Policy studies journal, 29(4), 633-640.
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