I believe the most important issues to the United States right now are the troops in Afghanistan, China’s Economy and Iran’s nuclear facilities. The troops in Afghanistan are important because the U.S. plans to withdraw soon and a deal with the Taliban is very unlikely so the country could become chaotic again once the U.S. leaves. China has surpassed Japan with second-largest economy right behind America and in a decade they could take over us. Iran is going against the United Nations with its nuclear weapons and Israel has
I believe the most important issues to the United States right now are the troops in Afghanistan, China’s Economy and Iran’s nuclear facilities. The troops in Afghanistan are important because the U.S. plans to withdraw soon and a deal with the Taliban is very unlikely so the country could become chaotic again once the U.S. leaves. China has surpassed Japan with second-largest economy right behind America and in a decade they could take over us. Iran is going against the United Nations with its nuclear weapons and Israel has