Shanghai has become the new Hong Kong, while Hong Kong has become the new Tokyo, and Singapore has become a world trade center. Shanghai now contains some of the tallest buildings in Asia. MSCI, which is a provider of stock market indexes, might have Shanghai stocks in their biggest emerging markets (Rapoza). In a prosperity index posted by the Legatum Institute in 2009, the United States ranked as the 9th most prosperous country in the world. This may seem like a great position to be in, but 9th is five spots lower than the year before. Now that might seem awful due to the recession suffered during that time, but most of the world experienced the same recession, but are recovering faster. For a long time period after the recession, America struggled through a jobless recovery. The U.S. holds a poverty rate of 17%, which is third worst in the world behind Mexico and China. 15 year-olds score below average for advanced nations on math and science literacy tests, which leaves us only ahead of a few other countries such as Turkey and Greece. In the Legatum study, the U.S. is 27th for citizens’ health and life expectancy is below average for the 30 measured advanced countries
Shanghai has become the new Hong Kong, while Hong Kong has become the new Tokyo, and Singapore has become a world trade center. Shanghai now contains some of the tallest buildings in Asia. MSCI, which is a provider of stock market indexes, might have Shanghai stocks in their biggest emerging markets (Rapoza). In a prosperity index posted by the Legatum Institute in 2009, the United States ranked as the 9th most prosperous country in the world. This may seem like a great position to be in, but 9th is five spots lower than the year before. Now that might seem awful due to the recession suffered during that time, but most of the world experienced the same recession, but are recovering faster. For a long time period after the recession, America struggled through a jobless recovery. The U.S. holds a poverty rate of 17%, which is third worst in the world behind Mexico and China. 15 year-olds score below average for advanced nations on math and science literacy tests, which leaves us only ahead of a few other countries such as Turkey and Greece. In the Legatum study, the U.S. is 27th for citizens’ health and life expectancy is below average for the 30 measured advanced countries