The Feasibility of Ampalaya Coffee
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics
Submitted by:
Cantor , Jayralen Barsaga, Joan Amoncio , Jonalyn
IV- St. Paul
Submitted to :
Mrs. Lerrie Munsod
Date of Submission: August 7 , 2013
This investigatory project aims to prepare and also to make a coffee from the “ Ampalaya Seeds”. We know that Ampalaya or also known as Bitter melon is known for as its bitterness and astringent taste , the bitter melon can see everywhere. This investigatory project encourage us students to make a coffee, as an alternative product .
This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of the ampalaya seeds as coffee. The researchers used powdered Ampalaya seeds in this study.
After researching and collecting the raw materials, the researchers were able to begin the experimentation. The coffee was obtained by drying, grinding, and roasting the seeds of ampalaya, and boiled. After boiling, the coffee was manually extracted with the use of a clean cloth. The study focuses on producing coffee out of ampalaya seeds. It does not aimed to determine which coffee (ampalaya seeds vs. commercial coffee) has more nutritional value or which is more nutritious.
II. Acknowledgement
We would like to thank to the following person that are help us to start and to continuing this our Investigatory Project ,including the following to our ALMIGHTY GOD that help us and give us strength and knowledge to explain the main idea of this investigatory project . To our parents and also our friend who give us supports to finish our Investigatory Project. For our parents that supplies