
Ampicillin And Kanamycin Reaction Lab Report

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Ampicillin And Kanamycin Reaction Lab Report
In this experiment, we will extract plasmid DNA that carrying pKan and pAmp from E. coli that have been cultured overnight in LB media containing antibiotic kanamycin and ampicillin respectively. So, the DNA that will be introduced later will make the bacteria resistance to antibiotic kanamycin or ampicillin. A plasmid is a small, circular, double stranded DNA molecules and cloning vector that are widely used for recombinant DNA technology. It can be physically separated from chromosomal DNA and can replicate on its own or independently. A plasmid required a bacterial origin, an antibiotic resistance gene, (in this case, Ampicillin and Kanamycin resistance) and at least one unique restriction enzyme recognition site. For rapid alkaline

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