Acceptance is important, because it helps us to respect people who are different than we are. The practice of judging, prejudice, and stereotypes are forms of negativity that prevents us from accepting people for who they are. For example, the author mentions how she would constantly have to come her mother's defense, because other people would ignore her, be rude, not provide her service in places of business (stores, offices, restaurants, etc...), and other acts of discrimination because of her culture and the limited use of the English language (Tan, 22). The author’s mother did not have any problems with her flaws in her speech when speaking English, it was other people around her, including her own daughter who resented her the most because they thought her limited communication of …show more content…
In the article, “Mother Tongue”, written by Amy Tan, the author achieved even more success when she incorporated her mother's Chinese culture and limited uses of the English language in her book "Joy Luck Club" (Tan, 23). For instance, once the author embraced her mother's minor flaws in the English language, she realizes that her mother's way of communicating was "The language she grew up with" (Tan, 21) and "Shaped the world as she saw it" (Tan, 21), making her the smart, intelligent, and successful adult she became. Acceptance allows us to seek the positive side of people by accepting them for who they are and what makes them