Heat the mixture, and stir frequently. Stop heating once it just begins to boil. Let it cool. Put the starch solution off to the side until later. Next, take 3 test tubes, label them A, B, and C, and spit 1-2ml of saliva in each. Add 2 ml of vinegar to test tube A, and add 2 ml of distilled water to B and C. Place test tube B into water that was boiled over the hot plate for 5 minutes. After removing the test tube, keep the hot plate on, it will be needed later. Add 5 ml of the starch solution that was made earlier to each test tube. Leave the test tubes alone for 10 minutes for the amylase to turn the starch into maltose (if it's not denatured). After the 10 minutes, add 3 ml of Benedict’s solution to each test tube. and mix them. Then place the test tubes into the water that was kept boiling, and leave for several minutes. After the reaction has taken place, remove the test tubes from the water, and turn off the hot
Heat the mixture, and stir frequently. Stop heating once it just begins to boil. Let it cool. Put the starch solution off to the side until later. Next, take 3 test tubes, label them A, B, and C, and spit 1-2ml of saliva in each. Add 2 ml of vinegar to test tube A, and add 2 ml of distilled water to B and C. Place test tube B into water that was boiled over the hot plate for 5 minutes. After removing the test tube, keep the hot plate on, it will be needed later. Add 5 ml of the starch solution that was made earlier to each test tube. Leave the test tubes alone for 10 minutes for the amylase to turn the starch into maltose (if it's not denatured). After the 10 minutes, add 3 ml of Benedict’s solution to each test tube. and mix them. Then place the test tubes into the water that was kept boiling, and leave for several minutes. After the reaction has taken place, remove the test tubes from the water, and turn off the hot