9 September 2013 An Abnormal L.B. Jeffries in Rear Window The movie Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock is about a photographer Jeffries, who has a broken leg, is sitting next to his window, spying on his neighbors since they share the same courtyard, and later on being curious about one his neighbors, Mr. Thorwald, must have involved in his wife 's disappearance. Hitchcook 's label for most of his work is the lack of romantic scene and that is how he build his main character in the movie. Jeff always look through the world by the lens of his camera. He seems to be a lucky guy to achieve a beautiful model 's heart, but all he cares about is his career and spying on his suspicious neighbor. Jeff does not seem to be interested in any romantic feelings towards Lisa, his fiancé even when she is the one who started to talk about how much she want to get married and be happy with him. The main character Jeff is represented for the "...attack on male psychology and sexuality" in Hitchcock 's movie, stated in a journal by John Fawell named "Torturing Women And Mocking Men: Hitchcock 's Rear Window" (Fawell 92). Because of the lack of romantic scenes, Stephanie Harrison, an editor of Adaptations said that "..."Rear Window" kicked around Hollywood for almost a decade before the deal was done" (Harrison 13). Just at the beginning of the movie, Stella, the nurse who comes to take care of him said "You 've got a hormone deficiency" after taking his temperature because "Those bathing beauties you 've been watching haven 't raised your temperature one degree in a month." (Rear Window). He is definitely abnormal for not wanting any sexual relationship with his beautiful fiancé. Who would be ever moved by the beautiful woman who tries everything to get his heart and his attention? Talking about Lisa, there is a scene in the movie that she asked him to marry her and telling him all about what
Cited: Fawell, John. "Torturing Women And Mocking Men: Hitchcock 's Rear Window." Midwest Quarterly 44.1 (2002): 88. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Sept. 2013 Harrison, Stephanie. "The Thief: Hitchcock and Rear Window." Adaptations: From Short Story to Big Screen : 35 Great Stories That Have Inspired Great Films. 1st ed. New York: Three Rivers, 2005. 11-14. Print. Rear Window. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Perf. James Stewart, Grace Kelly, and Thelma Ritter. Paramount Pictures, 1954. Film.