“Mending Wall” is written in blank verse and iambic pentameter which makes the poem seem like natural speech. Additionally Frost only uses words that are shorter than three syllables to make the poem seem even more natural. Most of the poem is written in iambic pentameter with 10 syllables per line, however some of the lines are eleven syllables. This emphasizes the importance of certain lines. For example lines 27 and 45, where the
“Mending Wall” is written in blank verse and iambic pentameter which makes the poem seem like natural speech. Additionally Frost only uses words that are shorter than three syllables to make the poem seem even more natural. Most of the poem is written in iambic pentameter with 10 syllables per line, however some of the lines are eleven syllables. This emphasizes the importance of certain lines. For example lines 27 and 45, where the