Somehow, Melba manages to stay optimistic. Everyday, no matter what happens, she is always positive. She can always look on the bright side of things. Despite worry and concern, she wrote in her diary “There is the tiniest flicker of hope and joy inside me. Maybe things will work out” (-page 153). This shows how hopeful she is, even though she is worried about making through another day at Central High, she still believes things might work out. She thinks if she just tells white people shes nice, they will like her or if she just keeps trying everything will work out. Thats definitely are of the many qualities that helped her make it through Central High.
Melba wouldn't have made it through her year at Central High without her strong faith in God. From a very young age, her grandmother taught her that “God is always there.” Every diary entry she wrote was her personal prayer to God asking for strength. In her diary she wrote: “Please God, make space for me” (-page 86). Its surprising how after her days at Central High, she still wants to go. It seems like Melba has