Before you can understand what an ideal appraisal system is let’s first define it and how it works for an employer and employee. There are several way to define this term. One way according to (Snell & Bohlander, 2010; 2013),” an appraisals are vital parts of management center, they are given on a twelve month or two twelve month bases. This evaluate how the employee performs in relation to what their job requires of them. It also gives a picture of what and how their skills can be improved or build on.” This evaluation is compare to taking school test.
The other characteristics of a system could be classified as an abstract ideal. For instance a well define process has the approval of the ‘head” persons in charge within the company and this is seen as equal and optimism approach by all who is involved with the process. It is hard in some instance to produce a performance appraisal. It is difficult if the business doesn’t have plan that is well thought out, time tested, and progressive to starting new policies. Sometimes a Good Appraisal is the best that can be achieved.
Sometimes when it is time to develop a newer appraisal system it is hard work to accomplish this. This causes management to implement many different steps, so they come up with a strategy that involves planning for different areas for men, women, and one for classes. These steps or strategies are not always the right or perfect one but they are a starting part for management to work with.
The first step is to get the top people working on the system. By not having the top management's commitment and visible support, no program can succeed. Top management must establish strategic plans, identify values and core competencies, appoint an appropriate Implementation Team, demonstrate the importance of performance management by being active participants in the process, and use appraisal results in management decisions. The second step is to set the ground