Parapsychology is the branch of psychology concerned with study of extrasensory perception and psychical experiences. Whereas psychology and psychoanalysis deal with the corporeal man... parapsychology deals with the spiritual man. This spiritual branch of psychology was known to the Greek philosopher Aristotle as the science of metaphysics. We are told by him that, "the spirituous body either undergoes a certain breakdown or, by being out of symmetry, troubles and hampers understanding"... mental derangement and dulling of the understanding of man is due to changes in the spirit. That academic psychology would backtrack to seriously consider the hypothesis of the "spirit-body" and the metaphysical nature of man in the 20th century seems absurd. The thrust of parapsychology, however, appears inexorably driven in the direction where contemporary science, philosophy and religion blend into a single universal understanding, enabling man to know himself in the fullest context. Today's rebirth of this science is Parapsychology.
Although study of the field of Parapsychology is relatively new, its principles had their birth in ages long since turned to dust and decay. Today we all have a chance to learn about the field of Parapsychology and understand and appreciate its significance in our lives.
A Complete Course in Parapsychology offers the basic theories, principles and histories of phenomena involving: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Hypnosis and Sensory Awareness, Psychometry (Psychoscopy), Psychokinesis, Dermo-Optics, Radiesthesia, Spiritual Healing, Aura and Mediumship. Also