Isah Sagir Tukur (赛格)
Submitted to
Professor. Xie Lu Yang
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Northeastern University
This paper provides an overview and guideline on the use of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for ensuring that reliability is designed into typical manufacturing equipment. FMEA is a very important method which should be employed in companies for an engineering design, production process, and new product in preproduction and production sphere in product life cycle. Aim of FMEA is establishing links between causes and effects of defects, as well as searching, solving and drawing the best decisions concerning application of proper action. The example of implementing FMEA shows possibility of monitoring chosen production process according to idea of defects prevention. Usage of this method allows keeping a process production focus, reduction in the product development cycle, providing opportunities for cost reduction.
Keywords: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Reliability, Quality management, the product life cycle.
Table of Contents
Abstract 2 Chapter 1 5 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 Murphy’s Law 5 1.2 The FMEA in the Design Process 6 1.3 The FMEA Objectives 7 1.4 How FMEA starts 7 CHAPTER 2 9 DESIGN OVERVIEW 9 2.1 Purpose of FMEA 9 2.2 When to Perform an FMEA 10 2.2.1 Equipment Life cycle 10 2.2.2 Total Quality 10 2.3 Who Performs the FMEA 10 2.4 FMEA Process 12 2.4.1 FMEA Prerequisites 12 2.4.2 Functional Block Diagram (FBD) 14 2.4.3 Failure Mode Analysis and Preparation of Worksheets 14 2.4.4 Team Review 19 2.4.5 Determine Corrective actions 19 Design Engineering 19 Technical Support 19 Manufacturing 19 Chapter 3 21 Ranking Criteria of FMEA 21 3.1 Severity Ranking Criteria: 21 3.1.1 Environmental, Health and Safety Severity Code: 21 3.1.2 Definitions 22 3.2
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