Lecturer: Kipyegon Edwin
To enables the student to understand electric filter technology and to design and analyze passive and active filters.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:1. Analyze ladder networks and Hurwitz polynomials
2. Explain the characteristics of filters
3. Use various approximation theories to design passive and active filters
4. Use network analysis techniques to analyze the designed filters
Course Description
Analogue Filters: Survey of electrical filter technology. Approximation theory, ideal response, least squares method. Butterworth-Chebychev: magnitude response, pole locations, Guillenim algorithm. Inverse Chebychev, response;
Thompson and Gaussian approximation.
Passive filters: Outline of image-parameter synthesis, exact one port and two port synthesis of LC, RC and RL network, ladder development with terminations, duality, transformations, pre-distortion, denormalisation.
Active filters: controlled sources, operational amplifier as a controlled source and converter realization of second order section, inductor replacement, effects of component imperfections, dynamic range. Generalized imittance (GIC)
Sensitivity anaysis: introduction, Bode sensitivity, magnitude of sensitivity in frequency domain, sensitivity comparison of typical circuits
Course Textbooks
1. Wai-Kai Chai “Passive and Active Filters” John Wiley & Sons (1986)
2. Franklin F Kuo “Network Analysis and Synthesis “John Wiley & Sons (1976)
3. Gupta B. R., “Network Analysis and Synthesis”, S.Chand & Company (2009)
Reference books
1. M E Van Vankenburg “Analog Filter Design” Holt Saunders (1982)
2. Allan Waters “Active Filter Design” Macmillan New Electronics (1991)
3. Andreas Antonio “Digital Filters, Analysis, Design, and Application”
McGraw-Hill International Editions (1993)
An electrical filter is a system that can be use to modify,