In life, one begins as a baby and as one grows he learns something new every day. Last month he learned how to sit up on his own. This month he has learned how to hold and drink from a Sippy cup by himself. As he continues to grow he will continue to learn. Just like when riding a bike, he needs practice before he can ride. Tricycles are designed to help him learn how to ride a bike. By starting out on a tricycle it helps him transition into a full-size bike. When he is a baby he learns from watching others and mimicking their behavior. Growing up is really about learning the way the world works, what is and is not okay, and establishing one’s independence.
When learning, one must not expect to get it right the first time; it will take a few tries, but one will eventually get it. When learning to ride a bike, falling off is expected, as it is part of the learning process. In life, one has to learn that he can’t always get what he wants. Sometimes, people fall down and life gets tough, but when that happens, we just have to pick ourselves back up and try again. Just like when one falls off a bike, he doesn’t stop trying to learn how to ride. He gets back on the bike and tries again.
Training wheels are the next step after the tricycle. They provide a little more independence all the while, one still has the support he needs. It is very similar to being a teenager, he is able to go out on his own and do the activities he enjoys. However, he still has the guidelines and protection of his parents. They help guide and teach him right, wrong, and how to take care of himself.
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