The short story “You are now entering the human heart”, written by Janet Frame is a short story focused on the fear of something strange, to overstep boundaries and to be under pressure. I think the feeling is something, that we all know how feels. My definition on fear would be something about, that it is an emotional response to a threat. We all know the feeling, when you sweat like you have accomplished a marathon race, the adrenaline pumps inside your body and you’re extremely nervous.
The story is written in a very objective angle, which you can see through the whole story. You don’t get into the narrator, even though he is one of the most important minor characters in the story - neither on the personal plan or just a kind of description about him. When I read the story, it gave me a very big impression that it is so objective, because it makes me think and look objective on the story. It is written in a 1st person, because the because the term “I” is being used throughout the whole story and the story’s narrator is in the shadows of the Natural Science Museum observing a class from the city, who is on a school trip, with their teacher Miss Aitcheson.
I think that the title “You are now entering the human heart” fits well to story, because at first the narrator’s sense was to see the exhibition named “You are now entering the human heart”, but he ends seeing something truly different, but get another experience, because he is together with Miss Aitcheson, the attendant and of course the school class. He get to know Miss Aitcheson very well, because she have to get near the snake and you can say, that the title come in there – as reader you come deep into Miss Aitcheson’s heart and her feelings.
I will also say that the main theme is about two generations, and that the characters portray them. Miss Aitcheson introduces us to the old generation and the attendant to the younger generation. Miss Aitcheson is a