2) Objective of the study:
This study throws light on how Microsoft has grown to its present dimensions and is upcoming with astonishing velocity. Microsoft can be held as a trend setter in its method of organizing , competing with others in the market and its ever untiring efforts to learn, improve and maintain its position as the worlds largest and richest company dedicated to PC software development , with a whole array of new products every and then.
3 ) Sources of information : The information brought out in this paper has been derived from secondary data. Secondary data provides an important source of supporting information about the company. Theories which are used to analyze the organization provide sufficiently sound information to formulate suitable conclusion.
4) Paradigm : A Paradigm provides a structure for social learning approaches in terms of subjective and objective dimension of analysis. A paradigm shows how the organization develops about the way the world works. According to the result provided by the paradigm test (Refer Appendix I) I am analyzing Microsoft from a functionalist view. A functionalist 's approach is the dominant
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