I Didn’t Do It, another Disney Channel series broadcasted in Croatia, revolves around the lives of twins Lindy and Logan Watson. While navigating high school, the twins and their friends get themselves into humorous cases of trouble. Each episode begins with a snippet of a wild situation. As the episode carries on, the lead-up to this scene is revealed. Examples story lines include accidentally stealing the US President’s dog, tampering with a museum mummy exhibit, and skydiving with a broken parachute (Leddy, 2014). In each case, the twins and their friends experience far-fetched, but entertaining, circumstances that invariably end in
I Didn’t Do It, another Disney Channel series broadcasted in Croatia, revolves around the lives of twins Lindy and Logan Watson. While navigating high school, the twins and their friends get themselves into humorous cases of trouble. Each episode begins with a snippet of a wild situation. As the episode carries on, the lead-up to this scene is revealed. Examples story lines include accidentally stealing the US President’s dog, tampering with a museum mummy exhibit, and skydiving with a broken parachute (Leddy, 2014). In each case, the twins and their friends experience far-fetched, but entertaining, circumstances that invariably end in