are not hidden and eventually a teacher will decipher the symptoms as abuse and take authoritative actions to help Dave. Another prediction I have for the next few chapters is that Dave's father, Stephen will abandon the family. “On these nights her message was always the same. I was the reason she and Father were having problems.”(Pelzer 52). Even though Dave’s mother blames him for the fights between his Father and her, Stephen sometimes tries to help Dave, but ends up getting scolded by his wife. All this pressure on whose side Stephen should be on; his intimidating wife or his abused child will drive him to abandon the household. Dave being hospitalized is my final predictions for the next few chapters. “I looked in the mirror to inspect my burning tongue. Layers of flesh were scraped away, while remaining parts were red and raw. I stood, staring into the sink, feeling how lucky I was to be alive.”(Pelzer 76). If Dave’s mother continues to force him to mouth clorox and ammonia, Dave is going to end up dead or force his mother to take him to a hospital.
are not hidden and eventually a teacher will decipher the symptoms as abuse and take authoritative actions to help Dave. Another prediction I have for the next few chapters is that Dave's father, Stephen will abandon the family. “On these nights her message was always the same. I was the reason she and Father were having problems.”(Pelzer 52). Even though Dave’s mother blames him for the fights between his Father and her, Stephen sometimes tries to help Dave, but ends up getting scolded by his wife. All this pressure on whose side Stephen should be on; his intimidating wife or his abused child will drive him to abandon the household. Dave being hospitalized is my final predictions for the next few chapters. “I looked in the mirror to inspect my burning tongue. Layers of flesh were scraped away, while remaining parts were red and raw. I stood, staring into the sink, feeling how lucky I was to be alive.”(Pelzer 76). If Dave’s mother continues to force him to mouth clorox and ammonia, Dave is going to end up dead or force his mother to take him to a hospital.