Professor Neesha Navare
American Lit.2131
4 September 2016
Kopacz, Paula, “To Finish What’s Begun’: Anne Bradstreet’s Last Words.” Early American Literature 23.2 (1988): 175-187.
In the article “To Finish What’s Begun’: Anne Bradstreet’s Last Words”, the author depicts the personal and professional events of one of the world’s cherished poets Anne Bradstreet, who was concerned with finishing her writing during the seventeenth century. A time when women were viewed as being inferior to men and a woman’s role was limited to being a house wife. Bradstreet challenged that notion by rebelling both openly and covertly against her male-dominated culture (Kopacz). Despite her successes, Bradstreet endured hardship in the early period of her life when her family sailed to America. The experience was traumatizing, and the harsh conditions during the journey were different from the library she was used to at home.
However, her identity has largely been associated with her family, of whom she wrote about in a majority of her works. It is argued in sections of the article that Bradstreet wrote about the deaths of family members, fear of childbirth, and love poems to her husband and domestic crises such as the burning of her house (Kopacz). Although many of Bradstreet’s earlier writing were overlooked in …show more content…
Her style turned out to be unique when she decided to write love poems, which were uncovered at the time even with the male poets. None of the poets had explored the theme of love. The idea of associating uniqueness was a concept she discovered from her broad reading capabilities as she would explore science, literature, and history. However, she is indebted to having developed a unique style after reading the works of Guillaume du Bartas of whom she imitated gradually and ended up assuming the poetic tone she came to be accredited for at the