
Analysis Of Authenticity

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I agree with Marcus, authenticity is absolutely critical in creating, building, and maintaining relationships. When you speak, listen, and understand from a stance of authenticity you give your audience a chance to get a glimpse of who you are and the more they can get an understanding of your logic, and values. It gives the listener or viewer enough information to make a judgment if they like you or not. If they do great if they don’t then oh well, depth and continuity are easy to see in a person. Because you can tell from your intuition if they are interested in the subject matter they are discussing.

Social media has definitely made it easy to stay connected with friends. I am the type of person who likes to be there in person with people to get actual face time with people. I like to be around people, travel, and communicate in person. So social media is definitely a compliment of staying connected. But it is not a replacement. You cannot give your friend a hug, or actually, kiss your lover on the cheek on social media. But it is a great way to keep continuity in relationships that are long distance, like with friends whom I’ve met at basic training a couple years back. I still stay in touch with a couple of them.
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I think Marcus is celebrating and familiarizing social media. Here is an excerpt from the article that supports my answer.
“When done well, with authenticity, depth, and continuity, being connected, both online and offline, facilitates constant learning, synthesizing, evolving, and sharing that is, for me, the most exciting and rewarding part of being “connected.”
Marcus (Oct 13, 2011) What it Means Today to be

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