In addition, when I compared his items to other leather products online, his products were significantly more expensive. But, after learning about the process and the high quality leather he uses, I now understand his pricing. One of the biggest challenges I see for growing Ciro’s online sales is getting potential customers to appreciate the labor involved and the quality of the leather. With my Stella & Dot sales, I am comfortable working with websites and social media platforms to sell products, but communicating why my items are priced as they are is something I have not had to do before. Stella & Dot is a very well-known company which is the opposite of Quoio. Ciro’s target market is very small, so I need to figure out a way to reach this market, generate awareness about Quoio, and explain why Quoio has unique
In addition, when I compared his items to other leather products online, his products were significantly more expensive. But, after learning about the process and the high quality leather he uses, I now understand his pricing. One of the biggest challenges I see for growing Ciro’s online sales is getting potential customers to appreciate the labor involved and the quality of the leather. With my Stella & Dot sales, I am comfortable working with websites and social media platforms to sell products, but communicating why my items are priced as they are is something I have not had to do before. Stella & Dot is a very well-known company which is the opposite of Quoio. Ciro’s target market is very small, so I need to figure out a way to reach this market, generate awareness about Quoio, and explain why Quoio has unique