In the example it starts out with a mention of a wedding and a man that attended the wedding but was dressed differently than the others. The story then goes on to mention the equality and inequality of the man and the other guests. As the example progresses, the man is asked about his choice in clothing and asked about his choice to attend the wedding with the different clothing choice. The prober then goes on to ask the man many questions and used those questions to explain that the ill-dressed man should have saw the differences between clothing and understood that there was an opportunity for him to fix his mistake. But since ill-dressed man did not, he was thrown out of the wedding. (3). Cyril ends the example and explains it in terms that will enhance the guidance of the catechumens on their journey. He mentions that even if one has entered the path to baptism with sin and bad intentions, one still has the opportunity to turn back and leave the path in order to come back with a different mindset. Cyril warns his audience that with this choice to turn back, if one goes in front of God with sin and bad intentions that one should not expect what one would get if one turned back. …show more content…
He tells the catechumens that baptism is close and the wonders of baptism are even closer. But he then goes on to warn the catechumens that Satan can be lurking in the background waiting to disconnect you from God. (16). Even though Cyril gives this warning, he provides advice to the catechumens to avoid Satan and his temptations. But overall, Cyril wants the catechumens to understand that if you keep God in your heart and follow his teachings then the temptation to follow Satan will be diminished. (16) As the Procatechesis ends, Cyril summarizes what baptism should mean to the catechumens. He states that we have to open our hearts to God and in return God will see our desire and save our souls.