Putnam and Harrington define five stages of discipleship as the following:
Level 1: Spiritually Dead
Level 2: Infant
Level 3: Child
Level 4: Young Adult
Level 5: Parent
Level one, the spiritually dead represent those who have not been saved that is they do not “have not accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.” Putnam and Harrington define some characteristics as “exhibit unbelief or open rebellion” and “acting according to their dead human nature.” The majority of the world population sit in this category. Jesus said, “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37, ESV) Jesus reference this category of people as the harvest. Level two, the infants represents people who “have made a made decision for to follow Jesus, but that’s about as far as they’ve …show more content…
Strengholt quotes Cyril of Jerusalem citing importance of building strong and well-equipped believers,
Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386AD) testified to the importance of this process of catechesis for new believers: “Let me compare the catechizing to a building. Unless we methodically bind and joint the whole structure together, we shall have leaks and dry rot, and all our previous exertions will be