Searching for something to make happiness come out will just make it further out of reach. One thing about this is not to think about how to be happy. It is hard but it is attainable. Some individuals ask how are you so happy? But what they cease to think is that how are they not happy and what do they do to fix that. It is all the greed and pride that people see the happy side of things. all things lost in life are a sign of false pleasure from material objects. “With luck, you’ll find happiness by the by, if not, your time won't be wasted ( Darrin McMahon).” These statement could not be more true about happiness, time is on your side.
Using “In the Pursuit of Unhappiness” a deeper understanding of happiness how to achieve it and stray away from waste of a time was reached. Happiness is selflessness, the more one helps others and doesn't think of the possessions. joy will be the best outcome for anyone. The smallest act of kindness can affect anyone in the biggest way. It can bring happiness to a lost