The question of death in old age is raised, but the focus is the grief and selfishness of suffering children, facing the approaching death of a parent and in this case Dylan Thomas is forced to confront the terminal death of his father. Children desire parents to live longer because of the love, friendship and need they still feel for their parent and the desire they feel for their parents tot remain in their lives. The fear and pain they will suffer with their parents’ eventual death is intensified in the title theme and lines of ‘Do not go gentle into that good night’. …show more content…
The four middle stanzas describe how different types of men go to their death. The smart people have accepted that ‘dark is right’ -they are going to die but because their words had ‘forked no lightning’ they do not die easily. The Good men whose moral deeds had not been celebrated should ‘rage, rage against the dying of the light’, Thomas says might have danced in the green bay and green represents youth and the abundance of