One of the families that she mentioned, were the Cunninghams, “The Cunninghams never took anything they can’t pay back – no church baskets and no scrip stamps. They never took anything off of anybody; they get along on what they have. They don’t have much, but they get along on it,” said Scout. There was also the Radleys. The Radley family was a very closed family; they didn’t go out very much, there was a terrible story about the Radley family, they say that the son of the Radleys, Arthur Radley, killed his parents way back before Scout or Jem was born. They say that a phantom lives in the Radley house and haunted Maycomb every night on a full moon. But that was only a story; Scout never knew what really happened because she wasn’t born yet. And there was also a classmate of hers named Burris Ewell. “He’s one of the Ewells, ma’am” “Whole school’s full of ‘em. They come first day every year and then leave. The truant lady gets ‘em here ‘cause she threatens ‘em with the sheriff, but she’s give up tryin’ to hold ‘em. She reckons she’s carried out the law just getting’ their names on the roll and runnin’ ‘em here the first day. You’re supposed to mark ‘em absent the rest of the year…” Scout added. For a first grader, Scout knows a lot about the families in Maycomb, because she has to, to get
One of the families that she mentioned, were the Cunninghams, “The Cunninghams never took anything they can’t pay back – no church baskets and no scrip stamps. They never took anything off of anybody; they get along on what they have. They don’t have much, but they get along on it,” said Scout. There was also the Radleys. The Radley family was a very closed family; they didn’t go out very much, there was a terrible story about the Radley family, they say that the son of the Radleys, Arthur Radley, killed his parents way back before Scout or Jem was born. They say that a phantom lives in the Radley house and haunted Maycomb every night on a full moon. But that was only a story; Scout never knew what really happened because she wasn’t born yet. And there was also a classmate of hers named Burris Ewell. “He’s one of the Ewells, ma’am” “Whole school’s full of ‘em. They come first day every year and then leave. The truant lady gets ‘em here ‘cause she threatens ‘em with the sheriff, but she’s give up tryin’ to hold ‘em. She reckons she’s carried out the law just getting’ their names on the roll and runnin’ ‘em here the first day. You’re supposed to mark ‘em absent the rest of the year…” Scout added. For a first grader, Scout knows a lot about the families in Maycomb, because she has to, to get