Users have the power to alter their faces and bodies in pictures to achieve what they define beauty as. Covering up pimples, whitening teeth, and thinning-out their thighs are some examples of what adolescents are able to do to brush-up their images. Simmons believes that as a whole, this provides an illusion of control. Teens tend to crave control; therefore, they assume that if they spend more time and really working at it, they will have the abilities to improve at being
Users have the power to alter their faces and bodies in pictures to achieve what they define beauty as. Covering up pimples, whitening teeth, and thinning-out their thighs are some examples of what adolescents are able to do to brush-up their images. Simmons believes that as a whole, this provides an illusion of control. Teens tend to crave control; therefore, they assume that if they spend more time and really working at it, they will have the abilities to improve at being