The role of English in Thailand is very important as it is in many other developing countries. New technology and the adoption of the internet have resulted in a major transition in terms of business, education, science, and technological progress, all of which demand high proficiency in English. With the economic downturn in Thailand recently, a large number of Thai companies have embraced cooperation regionally and internationally. Mergers, associations, and takeovers are common and English is used as the means to communicate, negotiate and execute transactions by participants where one partner can be a native speaker of English or none of the partners are native speakers of English.
The world we live like a “global village” where no nation, group or culture can remain anonymous (Samovar & Porter, 1991). As the world becoming smaller, we are increasing interaction with people from different cultures. Today modern technology has important role for us to communicate with people anywhere in the world, such interactions can be difficult if we do not know to deal with people and cultures different form us. Every country has its own communication style and habits. These different styles do not translate well and businesses need to pay special attention to communication with foreign colleges and clients. The communications between people happens all the time, especially when one of the parties is using a second language.
As mentioned earlier, intercultural communication problems must occurred because of linguistic and cultural differences. Language can be a barrier to intercultural communication that is problems of vocabulary equivalence, idiomatic equivalence, experimental, and conceptual equivalence (Jandt, 2001). Culture is a human part of the environment (Wang, Brislin, Wang, Williams, and Chao, 2000). In other word, it is the process of generating and sharing meaning within a social system. Samovar & Porter (1997) point out that as cultures