Ms. Biddy Baker has stated there is no employee manual or written policy about employee conduct or work attire. Ms. Baker also has not provided any proof of a decline in sales during Ms. Attired’s employment. All Ms. Baker provided was names of two customers who requested to be moved from Ms. Attired ‘section due to her tattoo.…
18-3 The dress code used in this scenario was discriminatory. The reason that made it biased was that there were two dress codes for men and women. A dress code that is not discriminatory is one that is same for members of both genders. On the other hand, the motive for the dress code was to distinguish men from women. That act of distinguishing men from women was discriminatory in nature, and it went against the dress code ethics. The motive for distinguishing men from women is not said. Both men and women were doing the same type of job; it, therefore, means that there was no need for distinguishing them. Telling women to wear smocks and men not to wear it was discriminatory in nature. Circumstances that would allow workers to wear different…
So what are the origins of tattoos and body piercing? In some cultures, they are a badge of honor or a representation of their beliefs. For others in the past it was a mark of possession. During WWII, the Germans tattooed each concentration camp prisoner. However, as the world changes, tattoos and body piercing are being more and more accepted in the workplace. Something like a quarter of all Americans currently have tattoos. That number goes up among younger generations. Among my peers at work under the age of 30, 75% have tattoos. This does not even take into account how many have piercings. However, only a small percentage of the hiring workforce has tattoos and/or piercings as well. This directly implies that hiring managers find tattoos to be offensive and will associate tattoos with nefarious groups like gangs and bikers, or others that are perceived to be outside the social norm. In my experience, it is best to NOT judge a book by its cover.…
Unnecessarily strict dress codes could discriminate against a person who wears a turban, hijab or sari.…
Dress and Appearance :A person’s dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and selfexpression. However it is necessary and wise for staff to consider the manner of dress and appearance appropriate to their professional role, as opposed to that which may be adopted in their personal life. Dress and Appearance A person’s dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and selfexpression. However it is necessary and wise for staff to consider the manner of dress and appearance appropriate to their professional role, as opposed to that which may be adopted in their personal life.…
Each day tattoo artist are tattooing more and more people. Tattoos have become a normal sight to see on anyone. In today’s society, many citizens think badly of people with ink. It is becoming harder to obtain jobs because the business industry tends to judge tattoos as unprofessional. Honestly, it is not any different than someone expressing themselves with a hairstyle, or clothing choice. Some of the best employees could be looked over due to the ink on their skin. A person’s skin does not define their working abilities, nor does it define their education. Many people categorize tattooed people as delinquents; However, having a tattoo does not define a person’s work ability.…
Let’s start by picking your brain for a moment. If I were to ask you what your opinions were towards tattooing, what would your answer be? You may be surprised to know that within our society today, regardless of what your answer was, we could assume that people are divided based on each alternating view of tattoos. Some bring a more stereotypical view in that tattoos may pose a negative factor when trying to land that perfect job. Perhaps that it may symbolize that they are part of a gang, a “biker” if you will, maybe a criminal or part of a lower class in society? (Proehl 2004) Tattooing may also instill fear…
Also, clothing is a huge part of ones identity since people are defined who they are by what they wear. Normally, people would not think a man in suit and tie could be a mugger, killer or rapist. In page 117, paragraph 8, Staples said he had a very bad experience. He get into a office building in rush to turn in a deadline story to his editor and the security thought he is a burglar since he did not wear suit and tie, instead, he wore T-shirt and jeans. Personally, I had a very similar experience about clothing. I have two different jobs, one in office and one delivering pizza. One day, right after I got off from my office and then I went to delivery pizza. Since I didn't change my nice cloth, three black guys thought I was rich and robbed me with a gun. I was so scared to dead and I swore I wouldn't wear any nice cloth if I have to walk at night and special in west…
People say perception is everything. Potential employers judge people based on physical appearance, as do peers, potential mates, and clients. Tattoos are a big issue concerning how people judge appearance. While they can be offensive to coworkers and customers, tattoos should not be judged in the workplace because they are a way of expressing yourself, or your culture.…
To conclude my analysis of discrimination of looks, various federal, state, and local laws disallow discrimination against employees and job applicants in the relationships and circumstances of employment. In universal, the laws make it unlawful to treat applicants or employees less favorably or differently because they are included in certain threatened categories. This means all employment judgments should be based on legitimate business decisions.…
Throughout society tattoos and body piercings are often seen as dirty, irresponsible, and disgusting. The “fact that tattoos were once reserved only…
Raymond and Trudy was an amazing book that I would read again but I would like to address one thing. The cover. No the cover is not a representation of what is inside of the book but let’s be honest, a lot of people do judge a book by its cover. The cover, to be frank, is TERRIBLE. Whoever made the cover for your book is terrible at their job. The cover is blurry and plain. Even if you just kept the design and got rid of the blur it would be MUCH MUCH better. The cover is a turnoff. If someone told me to choose the book that looked the most interesting, your book would be the last on my list. The cover makes your book look like an amateur wrote a quick story and sent it off to be published without reviewing the contents (if that makes sense).…
In this essay I will be discussing two key concepts that are directly related to workplace discrimination based off of a persons physical appearance and characteristics. In the process of this I will view the film “The Devil Wears Prada” and discuss two scenes that illustrate my findings. The halo effect is the overall tendency…
Many employers get the wrong image of a female with piercings and tattoos. Stacy Alvarado, a child development teacher, describes one day where she has to go to an interview and cover up her tattoos and take out her piercings, so the employers do not think bad of her. Despite of getting the employment she still feels like she is being physically accused since many parents look at her inadequately due to her piercings and tattoos. Perhaps for her profession, many parents do not understand her, but there are others outside that understand these groups of women. At first they get judged because of their work of art, but throughout the time when the people get to know the real female in them, many of the people see that these females are like any other female working hard to become someone good in life. They will show our children wrong, they do not have the education to educate the children. Both Mandi and Stacy are certified teachers that keep their job professional and they do their best to secure the education of children. In the article, About Men, by Gretel Ehrlich her friend Tom Hoagland stated,” No one is as fragile as a women…” Do not the physical appearance overtake the decision you make about these females, but let the characteristics of the female show you the real…
Frank J. Cavico, The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA…