511030964 黄鈃灵(list the items and find the corresponding parts of MOSFET)
5100309722 唐璿(find the corresponding parts of BJT) Items | MOSFET | BJT | Physical structure | NMOS: | npn: | | PMOS: | pnp: | current | IG=0ID=IS | ,() | Output curves | In NMOS, Vt>0;In PMOS, VtVB (or VCE>0.2V), the assumption is correct. Otherwise the BJT is operating in saturation region. Thus we shall assume VCE=VCE(sat) to obtain IC. Here the common emitter current gain is defined as forced=IC/IB, we will find forced< . | Small-signal operation and models | | | | | The Hybrid- Model | | | | T model | | | Single-stage amplifier | Basic structure | | | CS/CE | Circuit | | | | Equivalent circuit | | | | characteristics | Input resistance | | | | | Voltage gain | | | | | Overall voltage gain | | | | | Output resistance | | | | summary | Very high input resistanceModerately high voltage gainRelatively high output resistance | Input resistance is relatively low.Large voltage gainOutput resistance is relatively high.Inverting amplifierLarge current gainFrequency response is rather poor. | CG/CB | Circuit | | | | Equivalent circuit | | | | characteristics | Input resistance | | | | | Voltage gain | | | | | Overall voltage gain | | | | | Output resistance | | | | summary | Noninverting amplifierLow input resistanceHas nearly identical voltage gain of CS amplifier, but the overall voltage gain is smaller by the factor (1+gmRsig)Relatively high output resistanceCurrent followerSuperior high-frequency performance | Noninverting amplifierVery low input resistanceShort-circuit current gain is nearly unityHigh voltage gainHigh output resistanceCurrent bufferExcellent high-frequency performance | CD/CCemitter-followeramplifier/Source-follower | Circuit | | | | Equivalent circuit | | | | characteristics | Input resistance | | | | | Voltage gain | | | |