2. Physical developments that occur from infantry to the first birthday would be that they can now pick small objects up, they can crawl/walk, they start to talk and learn about their environment.
3. Piagets 4 stages of development were, sensorimotor stage which is birth to 2 years old in this stage babies and toddlers start exploring the world around them, this includes putting things in their mouths. The next stage is the preoperational stage which is 2 to 6 years old. During this stage children start using language and start developing an imagination and do not yet see things from others points of veiw. During the concrete- operational stage children start to think logically about concrete …show more content…
In longitudinal studies all of the people are the same age and the researcher studies them as they grow older. In cross sectional studies the researcher chooses a group of people who are different ages and studies the differences to know how individuals change as they grow older. Longitudinal studies can last for years and can be expensive but are less biased. Cross sectional studies are non expensive and don't take very long but can be biased.
2. A toddler must first develop object permanence before playing hide and seek because they haven't understood the fact that when they cannot see something it still exists.
3.Piaget's assimilation talks about how children deal with new experiences based on how they already act and think. An example would be a child yanking on moms hair to get attention every time. In accommodation children change their way of thinking and behaving because the way they act now no longer works. An example of accommodation would be the mother putting her hair up so the child doesn't grab it and the child having to communicate a different