The Rossiter – Percy model is used to provide the conceptual framework for planning a communication strategy. Rossiter and colleagues developed a simplified hierarchical six – step model that relates to advertising exposure to company objectives and profits. While developed for advertising in commercial marketing context, the model is applicable to all forms of communication and has been applied in a number of health and social marketing contexts. Donovan and Henley (2003).
The Rossiter and Percy six- step communication process
1. EXPOSURE (advertising, seminars, publicity and talk back radio)
2. MESSAGE PROCESSING (attention, learning , acceptance, emotional arousal)
Short - term memory
3. COMMUNICATION EFFECTS (knowledge, attitudes and intentions)
Long term memory
4. BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS (telephone enquiry, attend a seminar trial, visiting the center)
5. SALES/MARKET SHARE (population adoption rates)
6. OUTCOME GOALS (profits, reduced costs, population outcome measure – morbidity, mortality)
Step 1
Rossiter and Percy are of the view that hierarchy of effects in communication process commences with exposure of the target audience to the message. For example, if the message is of male circumcision, the target group which are man of between the age group of …….. to………..should get the message of circumcision. The message can be delivered in various ways for example through advertising, publicity, edutainment and factual information. The message of male circumcision was advertised in print media and broadcasting “Pinda muSmart “became the popular message on circumcision. On broadcasting the advertisement was done during the prime time in a bid to make sure that the target group get the message especially during prime time news when most people will be back from work. The message can also be conveyed through billboards, radio talkback,