Abstract Measuring customer satisfaction is critical in the process of serving the customer. The importance of improving service quality in the banking industry is highly considered for achieving objectives of the industry in whole. Service quality considerations are comparatively less among co-operative banks in the state due to various reasons. An in depth analysis of the service quality perceptions of their customers is essential to achieve sustainable growth for the sector. The perceived quality is normally assessed based on service quality dimensions such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The SEVPERF instrument is considered as an ideal instrument to measure service quality. This study is an attempt to measure service quality among co-operative banks in Kerala using SERVPERF instrument.
1. Introduction
The banking industry has undergone rapid changes, followed by a series of fundamental developments due to liberalization and deregulation trends initiated in the country in early 1990”s. There has been a change in the very concept of traditional banking activities and concept of quality in service has gathered attention of all customers. Increasing competition among a broad range of domestic and foreign institutions in product marketing area has become a prevalent practice and thus attempt to be different from other banking institutions has become the priority consideration of the sector. It is predominantly seen that, in line with the increase in overall economic activities, financial institutions, too, have modified themselves accordingly in all the spheres including customer services. To meet the demands of today's marketing environment, organizations are looking to service initiatives as a means to create or sustain competitive advantage. Measuring customer satisfaction is critical in the process of serving
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