Anne discusses how being vulnerable like a child will allow you to pour out everything that your meaning to express in your paper. Children have no filter, they usually say whatever is on their mind and what they are exactly feeling inside. Towards the end of the paragraph she makes an extremely smart point, if you weren't rambling on and pouring everything out on the paper, you may never find what you are truly looking for. Lastly, Lamott tells readers that this whole process is just a re-occurring cycle, and yes it will happen time and time again. If a writer uses some of these techniques that she discuses in this paper, then maybe writers can begin to have some ease when writing their first draft. No matter how "shitty" your first copy may be, there's no need to get your panties in a bunch, because no one will ever see those "shitty first
Anne discusses how being vulnerable like a child will allow you to pour out everything that your meaning to express in your paper. Children have no filter, they usually say whatever is on their mind and what they are exactly feeling inside. Towards the end of the paragraph she makes an extremely smart point, if you weren't rambling on and pouring everything out on the paper, you may never find what you are truly looking for. Lastly, Lamott tells readers that this whole process is just a re-occurring cycle, and yes it will happen time and time again. If a writer uses some of these techniques that she discuses in this paper, then maybe writers can begin to have some ease when writing their first draft. No matter how "shitty" your first copy may be, there's no need to get your panties in a bunch, because no one will ever see those "shitty first