Chang Tong Helsinki University of Technology lot, and are very social. [11] Although the number of mobile social network users is not very great at present, people With the rapid development of mobile devices and wireless believe that mobile social network will become much more technologies, a large number of mobile social network sys- popular in the near future. tems have emerged in the last few years. The migration of In the resent few years, some papers have investigated mosocial networks from web-based applications onto mobile bile social network related technologies, or have made case platforms not only increases the connectivity of people, but studies of a certain mobile social network system, mostly, also promotes the convenience of people’s life. Integrated Dodgeball.[11, 16, 10]However, there is no paper having with location-based information services, mobile social netmade a systematical analysis and comparison of mobile soworks can help users search for a friend or a friend of a cial network systems. This paper will try to analyze and friend nearby, or glean some location-related information. compare some of the most popular mobile social network This paper studies some current popular mobile social netsystems according to some chosen criteria. work systems,namely, Dogeball, Twitter, and Jaiku, analyzes The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the sectheir services, architectures, technologies used to provide location-based information, interaction methods, and other ond section, the criteria which are chosen to analyze mobile issues. Mobile social network systems have many advan- social network systems are presented. Then some popular tages over traditional web-based social network systems, but mobile social network systems, that is, Dodgeball, Twitter, they also face some challenges, such as business issues, pri- and Jaiku, are analyzed according to the chosen criteria.
References: [1] [2] [16] Ziv Nina D. and Mulloth Bala. An Exploration on Mobile Social Networking: Dodgeball as a Case in Point. In The International Conference on Mobile Business, pages 21–21, June 2006.