1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Risks of Social Media Technology in Business Enterprise 3 3.0 Productivity of Work by Using Social Media Technology 4 4.0 Social Media Technology as the Promotion and Marketing Strategy 5 5.0 Recommendations 6 6.0 Conclusion 8 References 9
Social Media Technology in Business Enterprise
1.0 Introduction
Bhanot (2012) defined social media technology as the “media for social interaction that can be used in web based and mobile technologies”. In addition, web based and mobile technologies can make the communication into interactive conversation. The most popular social media among the users are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and so on. Besides, the social media technology is not for the public users to interact other user only but the social media technology provides internal social media to the organizations such as Salesforce.com (Andzulis et al., 2012). Social media is a new trend in this era. It is because social media is an easy way to get information, knowledge, news and others that useful to the users than conventional media such as newspaper, magazines and so on. In addition, the information in the social media is not expensive and easily to access compared than the conventional media (Bhanot, 2012). The statistic shows that the users of the social media had been increased year by year. Facebook has more than 175 million users that are registered in 2009 but has been increased to 845 million users that are registered while Twitter has over 465 million users that are registered. According to Kaplan and Haenlien (2010), the history of social media was starting 33 years ago. In 1979, Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis from Duke University had been created “Usenet” which is social media that allowed users to post public messages. Besides, Bruce and Susan Abelson had created “Open Diary” which is an early social media. The “Open Diary” is a community of the online diary writers.
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