To remain competitive and relevant in today’s technological world, a number of businesses have realized that social media marketing is a good way to establish an online and prominent presence. By joining the digital age, both small and large businesses are drawing a considerable amount of attention to their products and/or services. Subsequently, they are improving their marketing performance, building-meaningful relationships, generating-huge profits, and securing-future business.
In light of this, this paper will discuss several reasons why social media marketing has become exceedingly popular among businesses of all sizes. It will also examine some benefits and pitfalls regarding business entrepreneurs in the context of social media. Furthermore, it will talk about an innovative strategy utilized by PepsiCo to glean customer insight as well as two other businesses who gained advantage in like manner. Finally, it will speculate the impact social media will have on businesses in the near future, and provide suggestive skills needed to get the most out of the changes surrounding it. Reasons for Social Media Marketing Popularity
Before evaluating some reasons why social media marketing has become so popular in today’s marketplace, what exactly does the buzz phrase social media marketing mean? A working definition for consideration has been provided by (Ward, 2012), “Social media marketing consists of the attempt to use social media to persuade consumers that one’s company, products and/or services are worthwhile.” By recognizing that social media is a powerful marketing tool to persuade or allure consumers, numerous companies like Pepsi, Starbucks, and Hyundai to name a few, have benefited and continue to benefit from it. Further evidence of this will be provided later on. Furthermore, many companies use social media sites or networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, LinkedIn, and others to generate a lot of
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