Shannon Pieczynski
Principles of Management 300
CSU Global
Professor Aguiar
Social Benefit or Social Disaster
Over the past decade social media has become a booming phenomenon. At first it was instant messenger, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter but over the past four years we have been introduced to things like Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and Kek. The social media world grows everyday and it’s hard to keep up with all the changes and new technology. With the growing social media networks it is easy for people to misinterpret what they read whether it be through a tweet, message, comment, or post. Social networking has taken away the face to face communication leaving a lot of room for miscommunication. Have you ever gotten that email or text that makes you think the person is angry or upset? Well that is a form of miscommunication, without the nonverbal communicators it makes it easy for us as humans to misunderstand what is being said.
Social media can be a great tool for large companies and organizations to use, whether it is to get out messages to employees or promotions to customers. According to the case study Social Benefit or Social Disaster it seems that CEO Brian Dunn had good intentions when using twitter to communicate with employees. Sadly he was a victim of internet hackers which led to a horrific message being tweeted under his name. Even though that message can be deleted it’s hard to know how many people saw it since social media is used by millions of people all the time. As a manager I would have handled the situation in a similar way that Best Buy did. I think Best Buy handled the situation well and took the right steps needed to prevent that from happening again.
In this decade, the roles that social media networks play in modern organization are huge. Social media allows companies to not only reach their employees but also their
References: Robbins, S., Decenzo, D., & Coulter, M. (2013). Fundamentals of management. (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.